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no win no fee london

16 Aralık 2010 Perşembe

It's a decade since no-win no-fee rules were extended to most civil court cases, but what change has the now notorious "conditional fee agreement" brought?
If you've got a television and ever watch it during the day, you'll have seen the adverts.
These feature people falling off ladders, suffering whiplash at traffic lights, slipping on wet floors and other utterly mundane mishaps.

And the message is constant. You can take legal action to right a wrong with very little risk of incurring costs. Just dial an 0800 number to be well on your way to a healthy cheque as well as exacting retribution on a careless employer or branch of government.
It is far from age-old stereotypes of engaging a solicitor where the wronged party's first port of call was a dusty office over a shop.
Conditional fee agreements (CFAs), or no-win no-fee deals, were first allowed for a range of court cases in England and Wales in 1995. Three years later a move was made to extend these to all civil cases, with the exception of action in the family courts.
At the time then-minister Geoff Hoon said: "No-win no-fee conditional agreements will result in better access to justice. Access will be given to the many people who fall between those who are very rich or those who are so poor that they qualify for legal aid.
"In future, the question of whether one gets one's case to court will no longer depend on whether one can afford it, but on whether one's case is a strong one."
Pay the middleman
The 1999 Access to Justice Act, which came into force in April 2000, dramatically increased the attractiveness of no-win no-fee deals as judges could make the losing side shoulder the extra costs associated with conditional fee cases.
These are the "uplift" fees charged by solicitors, an increase on normal fees to compensate for the possibility of loss and therefore no fee, and the insurance premiums paid to protect against the other side's legal costs in the event of defeat.
Man about to slip on banana skin
"Trip and slip" cases get the headlines
And legal aid for personal injury cases was abolished, making a conditional fee agreement many people's only hope of justice.
The changes in the law have prompted a blizzard of negative press stories about the legal industry, particularly in its most reported sector, personal injury.
Headlines like "Legal 'vultures' are making £2m out of the NHS each week" or "Compensation culture is killing equestrianism" or "Compensation culture wrecking small firms" have their effect on the public's imagination.
The suggestion is that grasping lawyers vastly inflate their fees for no-win no-fee cases, leading to a drain on the public purse.
Martin Bare, outgoing president of the Association for Personal Injury Lawyers, denies this. "There is no gravy train. The perception arises because people don't think that for the cases that you win, there's another that you lose, for which you get nothing."
Lawyers blame this public perception of the compensation culture at the door of claim management firms. Typically, these are not staffed by solicitors, and instead act as middlemen, passing clients on to lawyers. The changes to the law made it desirable to advertise their services on television.
"That then gave them a model where they could afford to bombard you and me with endless advertisements," says Mr Bare. "That is what makes people believe that there is a compensation culture."

But the statistics of personal injury claims do not necessarily back up the idea of a compensation culture.
Cases involving accident and disease are notified to the Compensation Recovery Unit of the Department for Work and Pensions, as part of efforts to recoup disability benefit and NHS treatment costs from the party responsible from the injury.
These figures have been relatively stable. The number of cases registered to the unit in 2000/1 was 735,931. The number in 2007/8 was 732,750.
Clinical negligence cases notified to the unit have fallen from 10,890 in 2000/1 to 8,872 in 2007/8. Accidents at work cases have fallen from 97,675 in 2000/1 to 68,497 in 2007/8. Only motor accident claims have risen rapidly, rocketing from 403,892 cases in 2004/5 to 551,899 cases in 2007/8.
In its 2006 report on the "compensation culture", the House of Commons Constitutional Affairs Committee heard evidence that personal injury claims had gone up from about 250,000 in the early 1970s to the current level, but that the introduction of no-win no-fee had coincided with this levelling off.
Lawyers dispute that no-win no-fee inevitably leads to more frivolous claims and more cases generally. They say the solicitor acts as a filter, knowing that every case that doesn't make it to court or a settlement is a financial loss to the firm.
"Our assessment has to be that the prospects of success are at least 60%," says personal injury lawyer Jeffrey Logan, partner at Liverpool solicitors firm Goodmans, adding that solicitors now have more of an interest in making sure there are no costly delays in a case.
Risk averse
But the negative public image remains, particularly of the category of cases the legal industry calls "trip and slips". Stories of a claimant who has slipped on a petal/grape/banana and is pursuing thousands in compensation are a newspaper staple.
Building site accident
Lawyers think more serious injury cases should be emphasised
Mr Bare says the reader is very rarely offered the full picture. The comedy element is played up, the fractured hips or arms preventing work being done are played down.
But there are those, particularly in the insurance industry, who argue that the real issue is not the number of claimants but a rise in the value of payouts.
"The common perception is that we live in this compensation culture," says Malcolm Tarling, of the Association of British Insurers. "What we have seen in recent years is an increase in the average personal injury award."
Mr Bare puts this down to the million pound payouts given to victims rendered quadriplegic or otherwise seriously affected. He says any rise can be attributed to increased life expectancies being factored into awards for people who will need a lifetime of care and will never earn a salary.
As well as the drain on resources, no-win no-fee has also been blamed for creating a "risk averse" culture where games of conkers are banned, lamp-posts are padded and playgrounds closed.
But the 2006 Compensation Culture report exonerated personal injury litigation and instead blamed risk aversion on "complex causes, including advertising by claims management companies, selective media reporting, a lack of information about how the law works, and on occasion, a lack of common sense amongst those who implement health and safety".
And it's important to remember that for all the cases dismissed by the courts or rejected at an early stage by solicitors, there has still been energy expended in dealing with the initial complaints.
This alone means people are likely to continue to worry about a "have a go" compensation culture.

Send us your comments using the form below.
I can say that in the 26 years I have been a personal injury lawyer, the whole industry and the whole attitude of the public has changed. The perception of a personal injury lawyer is now something below that which a double glazing or photocopier salesmen used to occupy. The whole thing has gone tacky and various claims farmers who scrape the barrel with often fraudulent or exaggerated claims encourage a perhaps deserved perception of the industry or at least part of it.
When I started out I was happy to tell people what I do and be proud of getting compensation for people who undoubtedly derserved it. Now I am not at all so sure. Clients are ruder, have unrealistic expectations and some just exaggerate or lie. There are of course genuine claimants for whom it is joy to act but they are less in number. I would say that every single change in the personal injury business over the last 15 or so years has been a step backward. Costs have not gone down, quality has not gone up, and there have been whole tiers of mouths to feed added into the process who never existed in the past ranging from claims farmers to costs negotiators.
Name withheld, Birmingham
Who gains by promoting an image of a compensation culture? Insurance companies of course who use it as an excuse to raise premiums. If none of us take risks they do not make any payouts. A legitimate experienced PI lawyer will not embark on frivolous claims as they will not be paid for their professional services. Simple as that. The insurance industry spends millions on promoting the image of a compensation culture including forwarding the "grape slip" cases to the press.
Jon, Sussex
Late one night my partner was pulling out of our driveway, on a suburban road, in her car when a motorcyle on the wrong side of the road, collided with her. The rider was found to be drunk, under the influence of drugs, had no insurance, was banned from driving - offences for which he was later convicted. Yet five years later he is still pursuing a claim for the injuries he received that night. There is something wrong with a system that allows someone who contributed so clearly to their own injuries seeking financial compensation.
Mark, London
No-win no-fee is indefensible; it was introduced not to widen access to the courts but to shift cost from the legal aid fund. A legal aid application has to satisfy an independent regulator that there is a reasonable case. No-win no-fee places that judgement with the solicitor who takes the case. He or she therefore has a financial interest in the result and in the way the case is conducted. The consequence is that cases which should be brought but seem of high risk are turned away and the injured party is denied any hope of a remedy. Borderline cases are not welcomed by no-win no-fee lawyers. The method does not increase access, it reduces it. Many people are denied a remedy and the courts are denied the opportunity of responding to individual cases and changes in society. The system resembles one which was long outlawed - called champerty and maintenance. It is a move backwards to an illegal and potentially corrupt method.
Peter Soar, Cambridge
Laura, Cumbria: how do you know the other driver was uninsured? If you can prove he was just inform the police, he'll end up worse off whether he "saved the cost of his premium and earned a few quid" or not. Also, why shouldn't your partner lose his NCB? He had an accident, which he caused, sounds pretty fair to me. Bad drivers push up the premiums for the rest of us too and consider this; no bad drivers = no accidents = no faked injuries / frivolous claims.
Stuart, Sutton Coldfield
I slipped on ice two weeks before Christmas last year. The landlord of the club had allowed his ice machine to overflow and create a virtual skating rink. As a result of his inability to: A) put up a warning sign, B) turn off the machine, and C) clear the area of ice, I now have an eight inch plate running up my ankle, nine pins and am scarred for life. It took his insurers until two weeks ago to admit liability, and then they offered only 75% as "he knew the ice was slippy". Well, forgive me for being ignorant, but if I had been told it was icy, I wouldn't have gone around the back of the building to unload my gear. Most claims are not frivolous, but are looked upon due to insurance companies who treat claimants like thieves.
Andie Riley, Leeds
Having dealt with personal injury claims for many years for a number of major insurers I have no doubt that the public perception is totally wrong. A million pound payout may seem a lot but it doesn't go a long way if you are 25, can never work again and need to pay for 24 hour care because you've been left paralysed. Saying that, having worked for personal injury solicitors as well, I've never met a poor one.
Chris , Sittingbourne
After a car accident a few years back, I ended up with severe soft tissue damage to my shoulder. As I was in the middle of my last year at university, I didn't take the time off I probably should have and ended up being told by the other driver's insurance company that I couldn't be that badly injured and was farmed off with very little compensation. Five years on, I still have to pay for expensive regular osteopath sessions. I get so frustrated when I see people around me who slipped on a post it note when they didn't look where they were going getting thousands - clearly we should all learn to fake injuries a bit better.
Kate, Liverpool
These no-win no-fee firms do encourage frivolous claims. I recently had a very minor prang caused by myself. The impact was very slight and no airbags went off in either car and I was able to drive off after swapping details. The other party claimed over 20k for whiplash which my insurance company paid out, the chap was OK at the time and said he was fine. These law changes must be amongst the dumbest ever. I'm all for people claiming who have a legitimate claim but this just encourages greed and stupidity. The annoying TV adverts are pitched at the level that these idiots can understand.
Stephen Wood, Sheffield
It's important to remember that without no-win no-fee, many people who have been crippled or seriously injured by negligent employers would have received no compensation whatsoever. Many employers think it's OK to ignore health and safety rules, and don't really care if their employees fall off shaky ladders, or lose a hand in an unguarded slicing machine. No-win no-fee means they can be forced to protect their workers.
Nona, London
No-win no-fee is OK if the other party is insured otherwise your stuffed. This happened to me when the operator of a funfare falsified his public liability insurance. Naturally the insurance company rescinded their responsibilities and my claim for multiple fractures left me out of pocket and eight months off work and crippled for life. No-win no-fee? Don't you believe it.
John Franklin, Wootton Bedford England
My partner hit another car when pulling up to a set of traffic lights. The car stopped suddenly, about 30ft away from the lights. As my partner was stopping anyway, the only damage was a cracked headlight on his own vehicle. He took photographs, and tried to get the drivers details. The other driver was uninsured, and so was very evasive about his details. It was forgotten about until a month later when a letter off a "no-win no-fee" solicitor appeared on the doormat. He was suing for whiplash and other personal injury. The car insurance company did not even contest the claim, despite evidence to suggest the injury was faked. As a result, my partner lost his no claims bonus. The uninsured driver not only saved himself the cost of a premium, but earned a few quid for a bit of melodrama. It's got to a point now where some car insurance companies are just paying out for frivoulous claims, as it's cheaper than contesting them at court. The result of this is higher premiums for those that are insured.
Laura, Cumbria
Whilst most would appreciate that greater "access to justice" is provided by the CFAs, I would imagine that a large amount would also agree that it encourages abuse of the system. Nobody doubts that there are genuine incidents that result in injury or worse. The evidence is there to see on the HSE website. In cases like these, the injured party should be entitled to claim. However, what CFAs also allow is ambulance chasing and hawking by unscrupulous firms who focus their attention on those people who they think would appreciate the cash that they could receive following their "so called incident". The compensation culture will exist as long as these firms exist.
Andy Dawson, Lancashire
I am a solicitor and I am always astounded at the injustice of the other side paying the uplift of fees in the event that the claimant is on a CFA - why should a defendant have to pay extra just because it happens to be sued by someone who can't afford legal fees? This effectively means that the claimant can't lose either way. The law should change so that the claimant, in the event of a win, should pay the uplift of fees to his solicitor. Otherwise, where is the risk to the claimant? If you can't afford something, surely there must be a price if you take a gamble such as a no-win no-fee.
Samantha Phillips, London


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The hikes in UK property prices in the last decade has had many in the property industry reeling. Having defied expectations on a number of levels, the strength of house price increases has many pundits at a loss as to where the property market will go next. For instance, while some predict continued growth, others claim that the property market is likely to see a slow period during the last half of 2007. 

However, a recent study by leading property site has found that one community of property owners has benefited from the steep house price increases of recent years - homeowners in London. Despite the four rises in the Bank of England interest rate since August last year, London property prices have seen no sign of slowing down their skyward ascent. In fact,'s latest Asking Price Index report infers that the average property for sale in London now carries a staggering price tag of £336, 900. 

And while this news will not be favourable for first-time buyers hoping to get a foothold in the property market in London, the rising value of London homes is likely to please many existing homeowners with properties in the capital. Moreover, this phenomenal growth has stood London homeowners in good stead when it comes to borrowing, as the breathtaking levels of property inflation means it's easier for them to find attractive secured loans. 

A secured loan is a financial arrangement in which the borrower promises an asset - like a house or a car - as effective collateral against the loan in question. Essentially, the loan is 'secured' against the asset so, in the event of defaults in payment, the lender can take possession of the collateral and may sell it on in order to regain the amount of money originally lent to the borrower.

Secured loans which use property as collateral are also known as mortgage loans and, as the price of houses for sale in London continues to skyrocket, secured loans are becoming increasingly popular with homeowners in London. The high value of London property means that secured loan lenders are able to offer lower rates of interest to London homeowners than might be available through unsecured loans - a factor that is sure to appeal to homeowners who are keen to release some cash to make essential refurbishments to their house, or simply to reduce their monthly mortgage repayments.

What's more, finding secured loans has never been easier. London homeowners keen to take advantage of their rising house value will be able to find a range of financial sources online that allows consumers to compare secured loans across the UK loan spectrum. If you own property in London, using these simple tools will make it easier for you to find the secured loan that best meets your personal circumstances - while at the same time helping you make the most of your valuable asset while the time is right!


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Researchers are studying whether chemotherapy before surgery and radiation can deter tumor recurrence in patients with mesothelioma, a rare cancer of the lining of the chest caused by asbestos exposure.
The study builds on the success of a previous clinical trial at M. D. Anderson that included surgery called extra pleural pneumonectomy (EPP), which involves removal of the affected lung and lining of the chest, followed by a highly specialized form of radiation therapy known as Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT).
The new multi-center study, which will recruit 77 patients nationwide, will involve EPP, post-operative IMRT and the chemotherapy drugs pemetrexed (Alimta��) and cisplatin, says Katherine Pisters, M.D., principal investigator on the study at M. D. Anderson and associate professor in the Department of Thoracic/Head and Neck Medical Oncology


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A firm of experienced California DUI lawyers (including 3 former prosecutors) practicing DUI defense exclusively, the Law Offices of Lawrence Taylor serves clients from offices inLos Angeles, Orange County, Riverside and San Diego. Supported by a staff of 3 former law enforcement DUI experts, including 2 former DWI police officers, each DUI lawyer in the firm focuses entirely on drunk driving defense and criminal DUI related DMV license suspensions. No cases but misdemeanor or felony DUI defense (driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs) are accepted.


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Trial Lawyers for Injured Workers and Their Families.

Welcome to the law firm of Paul & Hanley LLP, and thank you for your interest in our legal services. Our law practice is a plaintiffs only law firm with expertise in complex personal injury and wrongful death litigation involving mesothelioma, benzene, beryllium, lead, manganese, asbestos, and others.  We are nationally recognized trial lawyers with offices located throughout California, including Berkeley, Westlake Village (Los Angeles), San Francisco, and San Diego.  Our attorneys handle cases in courts throughout California, Nevada, Arizona, and across the United States.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma or have been affected by exposure to benzene, beryllium, manganese, asbestos, and other toxic substances, our trial lawyers can help. Finding the right legal representation is likely weighing heavily on your mind. Here you will find helpful information about mesothelioma, lung cancer, and other treatment options that we hope will answer many of your questions during this difficult time. You'll also learn more about our firm, and the exceptional and highly experienced attorneys of Paul & Hanley LLP, that fight to win for victims of mesothelioma cancer.
Paul & Hanley LLP, has an outstanding track record of success in cases across the country, and our lawyers are known for their honesty, integrity and compassion. We've built our reputation on mesothelioma-asbestos litigation-representing individuals diagnosed with mesothelioma or serious asbestos-related diseases with dignity and respect. 
We handle a select number of cases at a time and represent workers and families with the extra special attention required for the best possible outcome in each case.  We understand your case is unique, so we take the time to get to know you and your family.  Contact us today for a free and confidential consultation. We'll discuss your specific case and give you honest answers to your important questions. Our toll free telephone number is 1-800- 933-2244.  We look forward to helping you


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Financial Compensation and Justice for Exposure to Asbestos

Mesothelioma is a serious cancer usually associated with asbestos exposure. New treatments that are available for mesothelioma patients offer hope for improved survival and quality of life. However these treatments can be expensive. Part of our job is to obtain monetary compensation for our clients, to allow them to focus on fighting mesothelioma without the stress of financial worry.
We also are committed to obtaining justice for our clients that goes beyond medical bills and financial losses. We seek compensation for the pain and loss experienced by families impacted by this terrible disease. The fact is that most cases of mesothelioma could have been prevented if information that was known and available to the asbestos companies had been passed along to the users of asbestos products. We use the law to force these companies to pay fair compensation to our clients.

Experienced Mesothelioma Lawyers

In the 25-plus years that we have been handling mesothelioma cases, we have represented hundreds of workers who were exposed to asbestos in virtually every kind of industrial setting. These have included workers from the United States Navy, from government and private shipyards, oil refineries, chemical plants, commercial and residential construction, foundries, power plants, manufacturing plants, machine shops, automobile repair facilities, asbestos product manufacturing, television and radio repair, heavy equipment operation, etc.
Our law firm has also represented family members of industrial workers who were exposed to asbestos fibers brought into the home on the workers' clothing. In other cases, our clients have been office workers, professionals or students who were unsure how they were exposed to asbestos. Over the years, we have become experts in identifying and proving the full range of asbestos exposures that cause mesothelioma to occur.
We have developed a vast library of documents, legal discovery and depositions concerning the asbestos manufacturers and their products. And we have developed information about common industrial and commercial sites, shipyards and ships, focusing on the asbestos products used at each location. With this background of knowledge, we begin most cases by interviewing our clients in their homes, to learn as much as we can about each individual’s work history, experience, needs and expectations for their case.

California Law Firm Serving Mesothelioma Clients Nationwide

Our headquarters are in Sausalito, California, just north of San Francisco, but we serve mesothelioma patients and their families across the entire United States and have successfully represented clients in almost every state. Please call our toll-free number 1-877-801-4647 if you would like to consult with an experienced mesothelioma lawyer at no cost. Or if you prefer, fill out the contact form on this page, and we will contact you promptly. If your case is filed in a state other than California, we will associate local counsel in that state.

About Our Web Site

The website provided by the attorneys at Clapper, Patti, Schweizer & Mason is constructed to bring you the most current and accurate information about mesothelioma and asbestos cancers in an easily accessible format.
Review the website for resources and answers to your questions about:
  • Mesothelioma disease
  • Asbestos
  • Asbestos exposure
  • Your legal rights
  • The mesothelioma legal process
  • Financial compensation
  • Treatment options
  • Physician specialists
  • Cancer treatment centers
  • Asbestos cancer & mesothelioma news articles
  • Case examples
  • Client testimonials
  • Our Firm
  • Our Attorneys
  • Lawsuit settlements
  • Frequently asked questions


california structured settlement

What’s The Benefit Of A Partial Payment?

Many people find the partial payment option a huge benefit to their situation. A partial payment, though the term is not a legal or official one, is when you sell only part of your rights to your monthly payments. By selling in this fashion, you still receive part of your monthly payments.

Take, for instance, a monthly payment of $750.00. Let’s assume you’re in need of some cash. You sell part of your rights to this $750.00 for 12 month‘s; $500.00 from each monthly payment let’s say. You get a lump sum of cash for $5,100.00 from the sale, and you’ll still receive a monthly payment of $250.00. When the twelve months are up your payments goes back up to $750.00. You get cash when you need it and still maintain a monthly payment.


Protect Your Identity

When you decide to sell your structured settlement rights, whether all or some, at some point you’ll be required to provide your personal information. This information is used to make the transaction a legal and binding one, among other things. But, never give out your information without first making sure you’re doing business with a legitimate company.

As more structured settlement companies use the internet to advertise what they have to offer the consumer, it become more important to make sure you’re not being scammed by someone hiding behind the guise of some phony business. It’s a sad state of affairs, but it’s important and needs to be mentioned.


Don’t let A Few Rotten Eggs Hold You Back

There’s been some buzz lately about structured settlementcompanies making false claims about getting cash real quick when you sell your settlement to them. The truth is, the time it takes to receive your money is contingent on a number of different things, the court system being the most prominent one.

Court approval is need to sell a structured settlement so right off the bat your at the mercy of the courts. There’s no guarantee how soon your case will be heard, and everyone knows how slow the wheels of justice turn. In most cases it takes an average of about 90 days to see your money, but that’s not written in stone. Don’t let a few rotten eggs scare you off from selling your structured settlement. These companies are part of the minority, not the majority.


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